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Your New ADU

CDE Construction Corp. is here to make your home comfortable and complete just like you always imagined it could be.

What to expect from your
new ADU

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ADU Construction Timeline

Our ADU building process is simple and effective.

The Ouroboros proof-of-stake consensus protocol is the core mechanism of the Cardano network, defining the way nodes reach consensus about the state of the ledger.

Based on the Ouroboros proof-of-stake consensus protocol, ada is one of the most respected cryptocurrencies, and has one of the highest market capitalizations.

The Cardano block explorer allows users to see information about the latest transactions. Searches can be made on addresses, transactions, epochs, and slots on the Cardano network.

Daedalus is IOHK's official desktop wallet for Cardano and the ada cryptocurrency. It is a full-function desktop wallet available on Windows, Mac, and Linux.

The introduction of paper wallets in Cardano provides users with a safe offline 'cold' storage option for ada, making it easy to store and receive ada offline.

Cardano SL 1.3 included enhancements to speed up syncing of the blockchain. Tests have shown wallet syncing occurring between 1.5 and 4 times faster, depending on the network environment.

More efficient storage improves performance for operations that use locally stored blockchain data, especially wallet restoration and blockchain synchronization.

The Cardano testnet is a free-to-use blockchain that is designed for testing purposes. It runs code that is the latest Byron release version.

The introduction of Nix tooling into the internal development processes of IOHK has allowed the DevOps team to create more robust deployment pipelines.
Medusa is a 3D graphical tool that shows the history of Cardano software development by plotting changes to GitHub files as they happen, allowing users to explore activity in the code base.

Did you know?

Building a new ADU can produce rental income that will pay for your mortgage!

Your ADU is just a home
away from home

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